The Top Ten Keys to Making Money Online as a Writer

These are the top ten keys to earning consistent income writing online.  Read carefully, apply these principles and learn how lucrative it can be to make money online by writing quality content.

Blog Using a Reliable Hosting Platform

Blogging is an easy, enjoyable way to make money online.  By maintaining a blog on an affordable hosted platform, you have the freedom to be as creative as you wish with your content.  It’s easy to establish an online cpm ad account or use affiliate networks to generate revenue through product sales.

After extensive research, I've found the reputable, reliable and inexpensive Word Press blog hosting site Bluehost. Although I use free blogging platforms to create quality backlinks, the hosted site is the one I use to generate the majority of my traffic, leads and conversions.  An example is my Bluehost hosted blog that generates the majority of my traffic and revenue can be found here at Destination Jacked.

Take a look at the screenshot at the left. That's an actual view of real time traffic that I've generated since hosting on Bluehost. 
The benefit of Bluehost is a free domain, free site builders and themes, one click Word Press install and 24/7 support.

Bluehost with Wordpress is superior to free and other hosted platforms because it automatically submits your site to search engines for greater traffic and conversions.

I want to let you know that if you sign up for Bluehost using my affiliate links in this post, I will receive a commission. However, I wouldn't recommend the service if it wasn't the best and I didn't generate organic traffic and conversions.

If you'd like to research for yourself, I'm confident that you'll find Bluehost with Wordpress is the most reputable and trusted blog hosting platforms on the web.

When you make the decision to use Bluehost, It would be awesome if you return to this post and sign up using one of my affiliate links. Web Hosting $3.95

Use an Automated Twitter Following Service

I have found Valet is responsible for the thousands of visitors per day that visit my blog and convert to online income. This is a service that connects you to thousands of Twitter users and will grow your following base to grow your traffic.

With a free week trial and $10 per month, this service is a steal as it has allowed me to exponentially increase my Twitter following and visitors to bring measurably increased online income.

You can grow your Twitter account without doing anything manual. Just connect your account, start your subscription (free week trial) and let their team do the work and watch the followers come in.

Your time is too valuable to spend manually uploading your content to your Twitter account(s). You need to spend that time and energy building great content to generate online income.

Automate your Twitter traffic and grow your customer base by using the valuable service Valet. It will instantly pay for itself by bringing followers and visitors fast.

Use a Twitter Scheduling Service

There often isn’t enough consideration given to timing of content sharing on social media.  The beauty of the World Wide Web is just that – there’s a worldwide audience.   It isn’t practical to manually post published content to social media sites around the clock.  But it is important to keep your articles and posts circulated through social media 24 hours per day.

I recommend the free Twitter scheduling site Tweet Deck where you can connect all of your Twitter accounts and post your content to any or all of your accounts simultaneously. You can even schedule your Tweets to be posted whenever you like. 

Now that you've used Valet to automate and immensely grow your Twitter following, the best way to do this is to use Tweet Deck.  There are other free social media scheduling services that allow you to keep your posts active all day and all night but I personally have had the most success with Tweet Deck.

Write Quality Content

To earn revenue through writing online content, material must be free of spelling and grammatical errors and the information provided to readers should be valuable.  Websites that contain well written, quality content typically receive more traffic from search engines.

Also, readers are less like to frequent a website or blog that contains poorly written content that provides minimal value or benefit.  Composing quality content should be a top priority when trying to earn money online.

Develop Following on Social Media

Receiving traffic from search engines is great.  But optimizing a website or blog to increase greater exposure from search engines can be challenging and can take a while to master.  To increase the number of readers and visitors to your published online content, it helps to have a healthy social network following. That's where Valet and Tweet Deck come in.

Being active on sites such as Facebook and Twitter (follow me!) can help drive your page views up through sharing online content.  This can result in greater earnings through product sales or advertising revenue.

Always Use Backlinks

When composing online content for the purpose of making money online, it’s crucial to get as much exposure to your work as possible.  By using a strategy called backlinking, you can drive greater amounts of Internet traffic to other content that is published throughout the Internet.

This technique involves including links to articles and blogs posts within on beneath online content.  Also, search engines tend to give greater attention to websites that have been linked to from other sources on the Internet.  

Write for Revenue Sharing Websites

Writing for revenue sharing websites is perhaps the easiest, most reliable way to make money online.  These sites allow contributors to publish original content and share earnings generated from advertising revenue to authors.  There are many such websites on the Internet, but few pay enough to justify putting in the time and energy composing content form them. 

Use StumbleUpon

Stumble Upon is a social bookmarking site that allows users to browse online content, articles and blog posts. Users can indicate preferences as to categories to browse and can “like” content for future reading.

By being active on Stumble Upon and sharing published online content, readership to your blog or website can be greatly increased.  It’s not uncommon for a single submission to Stumble Upon to receive dozens, or even hundreds, of page views from users.   

Share the Work of Others

To truly reap the benefits of being an online content writer, it is best to share the work of fellow authors and writers who desire to earn money online.  By sharing the work of others, you are supporting the community of online content writers and it is likely that you will earn a good reputation in the online writing community.

Also, it is not uncommon for fellow writers to share your work in return for sharing theirs.  This, of course can result in greater earnings through page views and website visits.  

Use CPM Ad Networks             

CPM ad networks are used by websites of all sizes to generate revenue.  These networks allow publishers to post advertisements on websites and blogs and receive money for each time the ad is viewed.  By posting these ads on personally maintained websites and blogs, the publisher can enjoy earnings for every single page view.

Develop a Good Reputation

By developing a good reputation in the online community, you can expect to enjoy the revenue that is generated through readers and visitors to your blog or website.  When you develop trust among your readers, the odds are greater that they will return to your site, view the ads and purchase a product that you are endorsing.

Always be honest and ethical and disclose to your readers when you are sharing affiliate links and offers. Do not be deceptive. 

Developing a good online reputation takes time and dedication to your work and results from building quality relationships and becoming an expert in your field.


Publishing quality, useful content is the name of the game when it comes to making money online as a writer. By using Bluehost and Valet, you will dramatically increase your page views, Google ranking, conversions, sales and online income. If you use my affiliate links to sign up for Bluehost and Valet, I will receive a commission. It's a win-win.

Think about and apply these ten tips and grow your reader base, visibility and online income. 

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