Jack LaLanne Power Juicer Review: The Best Juicer for Fitness Enthusiasts

This juicer changed my life.  Follow this link to explore this awesome juicing machine:

If I told you that this article is about juicing for athletic greatness, you may think it would be in reference to using anabolic steroids to enhance muscularity and athletic performance.  In fact, when I make the statement, “I started juicing again” in public, especially at my work place, I get some shocked and bewildered looks.  Well, when I refer to juicing, at least in the context of this post, I am not referring to steroids; I am talking about turning fruits and vegetables into a tasty, nutritious beverage. 

I have met a lot of juicers in my day; both steroid users and beverage drinkers alike.   Drinking fresh, homemade fruit and vegetable juices never crossed my mind when I was a competitive power lifter or when I was on the Super Squats program.  What I wasn’t considering was the multitude of benefits that are associated with drinking raw, fresh juices that derive from organic fruits and vegetables.  Some of the benefits include:

  • Enhanced immunity
  • Increased Energy 
  • Hydration 
  •  Heart and vascular health 
  •  Reduced recovery time 
  •  Improved digestion
When an athlete has reached an elite status, every nuance of diet and training must be considered for continued improvement.  Unfortunately, this is the only time many athletes begin thinking about using fruit and vegetable juices to improve their recovery and performance.   Many people think that juicing is reserved for vegetarians and PETA members.  Now I am no vegetarian, believe me.  But when I started consuming fresh, homemade fruit and vegetable juice I began to feel the benefits almost immediately.  I think the key for me is that I know that I am consuming the equivalent of about ten fruits and vegetables per 16 ounces of juice.  I usually drink a juice on my drive to work.  I get a little bit of a pep from the B vitamins that are in the vegetable juices and I feel satisfied and well hydrated after finishing the juice. 

For a while I had been purchasing fruit and vegetable juices at my local grocery store.  I never felt comfortable drinking those juices as the sodium and sugar content was outrageous.  I began doing some online shopping for the best juicers and I finally settled on what I feel is the best.  I have been using the Jack Lalanne Power Juicer for about three years now.  That thing can crank out some serious juice in a jiffy; however, cleanup can be a bit messy.  I generally prepare about three days’ worth of juice and seal it in an air-tight container.   That way I only have to clean up about two messes per week rather than one daily. 

What surprised me about juicing is that the flavors of the individual ingredients are very subtle.  Almost any combination is palatable and refreshing.  Some of my favorite ingredients are:

I have been asked if juicing is expensive.  I believe juicing is very cost effective as I tend to eat cheaper, more nutritious foods when I am juicing regularly and my appetite tends to stay under control with an abundance of fruits and vegetables in my diet. 

If you you’ve never juiced, I encourage you to give it a try.  If you intend on purchasing a juicer, I recommend the Jack Lalanne Power Juicer.  It costs a little more than other juicers on the market but the quality is superior.   Do yourself a favor and consider becoming a juicer.

Get the Jack Lalanne Power Juicer at Amazon:

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