Time Management Tips for Writers

Those of us who write daily, whether for recreation or profit, tend to look for ways to manage our time efficiently and make the most of our writing efforts.  

Unless we are able to sequester ourselves from the outside world and rid ourselves of all distractions, it can be difficult to focus total concentration on our task at hand.  For part-time recreational and freelance authors, it can be difficult to find enough distraction-free time to pour our work onto a page or keyboard.  

As a freelance writer who juggles caring for two young children, a full-time job and domestic husbandry, I must be proficient in my time management skills in order to get some solid work done on a daily basis.  I have found the following tips useful in managing my time and getting much more literary work accomplished on a regular basis.

Make a Checklist

Keeping a checklist has been one of the most useful strategies I have ever employed when it comes to time management.  By arranging my tasks in order of priority, I can be certain that I accomplish what most needs to done every time I sit down to write.  It is far too easy to get distracted checking email, conducting research for a future article and playing around on social media when I need to get a simple assignment done now.  I have been amazed at how much time can be lost by the little distractions that we often don’t consider in our daily writing lives. 

Limit Time on Social Media

As stated above, it is easy to get caught up in the social media universe when trying to get work done.  Because I promote my work and services primarily using social media, I have found myself maintaining and developing relationships with others before undertaking my writing duties for the day.  Don’t get me wrong, social media is a powerful tool that should not be neglected.

But my personal experience has taught me that focusing too much time on social media can be counterproductive, especially when it eats up your energy and motivation.  I have found that designating a specific period of time daily for social media has helped me make better use of my writing time. 

Prevent Burnout

Even if you only write for a few hours a day, or a few hours per week for that matter, the brain does not stop working when you are not actively writing.  It is easy to get mentally and emotionally burnt out when your mind is perpetually preoccupied with writing.  Whether you are constantly brainstorming for topics, conducting research or promoting your work, burnout is a reality in this line of work.

By using discipline and efficiently scheduling your time for brainstorming, researching and promoting, you can allow your brain and creativity to take a rest and recover.  Taking time to exercise, cook, spend time with family or read without thinking about writing at all can result in greater concentration and higher quality work when you are writing. 

When reviewing the above advice, it is easy to understand why these strategies should be employed in all areas of life.  Keeping a checklist of important tasks, limiting time on social media and the internet in general and taking a rest from daily activities can greatly improve organization, time management skills and overall performance.  

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